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Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Mon Aug. 16, 2010 11:53 am Edited: Tue Aug. 31, 2010 10:49 am
I know some of you might be too tired to think about it at the moment but are we on for the LAMB ride this year? Any Dates of choice for the group? I was thinking Sun Sept 5th (Labor Day weekend), or Sat Sept 18th. Those are the only two weekends that really work for me between races and out of town travel. I will be ramping up my riding between now and then in preperation of doing a big ride, is anyone else in? Ryan

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Mon Aug. 16, 2010 6:46 pm
Either date works for me. A SAG driver will need to be secured unless you want to go self supported since Helen will be working both weekends. Dan
Posts: 120 Location: Claremont, NH
Posted: Tue Aug. 17, 2010 7:57 am
something else to throw in the cue. Cycle Depot will be doing our white mountain ride on labor day weekend (sunday). If you guys do your LAMB ride on the other date and want 2 big rides.
Posts: 884
Posted: Tue Aug. 17, 2010 7:32 pm
Good luck, I am out both weekends....homecoming for Newport and camping with the family on labor day. Not sure I could ride those gaps anyhoo this year. Keep an eye out for Kingdom trails ride too. Probably on a Tuesday in Sept. PJ
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 19, 2010 11:11 am
Is anyone but Dan and I actually interested in this ride this year? I am gearing up to do a big ride on Memorial weekend. I recently did the White Mountains so that is not high on the list, despite being a nice ride. Dan, if we have to go unsupported what do you think about doing Sir Climbs Alot? I have yet to do it so maybe this is the year? Ryan

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 19, 2010 12:35 pm
Just put me on a bike and point me in the direction you want to go.
Posts: 567
Posted: Thu Aug. 19, 2010 12:40 pm
I'm interested in the Gap ride, but if its on a weekend other than Labor Day then I may attend the White Mtn ride with CCD as well. Although we'll miss having Helen there for the Gap ride, we may be able to have a support truck (I just have provide a few brews for this support person after the ride)!
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 19, 2010 2:58 pm
Hey Dana, good to hear from you. Perhaps the Gap ride it is. Ryan
Posts: 237
Posted: Fri Aug. 20, 2010 2:01 pm
What would y'all think about playing hooky on a weekday? We could possibly get our favorite support driver, pedal in less traffic, and perhaps more of us could make the trip. Right now Sep 13-15 is out for me, the rest of the month is open. Just sayin' MG
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Fri Aug. 20, 2010 3:14 pm
Personally I'd rather not do a week day but what do other people think? Who would be available on say Friday Sept. 16th or 17th? Ryan

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Fri Aug. 20, 2010 3:34 pm
I can do either. H appears to have 16th available
Posts: 567
Posted: Fri Aug. 20, 2010 7:45 pm
I'll go along with the majority. Sept 16th or 17th is fine with me.
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Fri Aug. 20, 2010 9:15 pm
If the 16th is good with Mark and Helen or Laurie, we can shoot for the 16th (with maybe a rain date on Sat the 18th). Ryan
Posts: 567
Posted: Tue Aug. 24, 2010 11:41 am
It appears that Mark, Dan, Ryan and I are it for the Gap ride. I need to request the day(s) off a couple of weeks in advance, so if we all agree on Sept 16 that will be fine with me.

Posts: 940
Posted: Tue Aug. 24, 2010 11:46 am
I could make the 16th also. - Ken "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Aug. 25, 2010 11:36 am
I guess the 16th is a go. Is Laurie or Helen available that day? I would prefer not to do the LAMB ride unsupported. Dana, I may try to catch up with the CCD White Mtn ride on Labor Day weekend too if you are still thinking about that. It would be a good warm up for the LAMB ride but it depends how I feel. Ryan
Posts: 567
Posted: Wed Aug. 25, 2010 12:51 pm
I was waiting for a reply from Dan or Helen Dan wrote: [quote:922c8e1e83] H appears to have 16th available [/quote:922c8e1e83] Hopefully, Helen can make the trip with us on Thurs Sept 16th. if not, Laurie would only be available on a weekend day or Labor Day. I plan on doing the CCD White Mtns if it doesn't conflict with LAMB

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Aug. 25, 2010 1:34 pm
H informed me she will be sleeping on the 16th so we will need to be self supported or have another SAG.

Posts: 940
Posted: Wed Aug. 25, 2010 1:37 pm
I'm fine with being self supported. -- Ken "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini
Posts: 9 Location: New London
Posted: Wed Aug. 25, 2010 7:10 pm
I would like to join you if I can free up the time. Would this be a relatively easy pace considering the ride? Also can anyone point me to the particulars of the CCD White Mountain ride? Thanks.

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 26, 2010 8:12 am
Helen is sleeping on the 16th she works the night before so no LAMB support from her. I'll go on the White Mountain ride too.
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 26, 2010 9:33 am
Linc, The LAMB ride usually ends up averaging around 16 mph (ride time). If I recall correctly the non ride time is around 1.5 hours but this is just an estimate. We usually stop at the top of the Gaps to recover, refuel, and regroup. We usually stop at Granville Gulf Water Fall for lunch break after Lincoln & App Gaps. The climbs for me at least are real slow but typically we paceline on the flats and fly on the downhills. And we usually grab dinner after the ride somewhere. You are welcome to join. Dana, please ask Laurie if she is available for support, we would greatly appreciate her following us along. If not I would like to find someone else. Ryan
Posts: 120 Location: Claremont, NH
Posted: Thu Aug. 26, 2010 9:52 am
CCD white mountain ride will happen Sept 5th. We park at the linclon visitors center. The ride will leave from there at 9am. UP the kanc, then bear, crawford & franconia finishing on the bike path and back to the visitors center. I'm sure that there will be some carpooling happening. Stop by or call the shop (603-542-2453) and ask for Bob or Jason.
Posts: 9 Location: New London
Posted: Thu Aug. 26, 2010 2:06 pm
Thank you both for the info. I hope to make both rides.
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Aug. 26, 2010 8:03 pm
Jason, When Ken and I did that loop a few weeks ago we parked right at the end of the bike path at the Flume parking area. It was kind of nice to come off the bike path and be immediately at the car instead of having to get back on the road into Lincoln. Just a thought, doesn't really matter, just thought I'd throw that out there. Ryan
Posts: 567
Posted: Fri Aug. 27, 2010 7:12 am
Ryan, As I mentioned in an earlier post, Laurie cannot make a weekday. So it would be good if we can find someone else for the 16th. I prefer not to ride the LAMB without a SAG, but I believe there are several stores along the way. Dana
Posts: 95 Location: Sunapee
Posted: Fri Aug. 27, 2010 5:12 pm
I plan to go on a long road ride this weekend to see if I can survive 100+ mile ride with LOTS of climbing. I will let you know how things turn out. I have my doubts!! :D When in doubt, ride
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Sat Aug. 28, 2010 6:59 pm
Brian, Would love to have you along, you might think about doing the White Mountains ride next weekend, its about 80 miles with some big hills but managable hills, nice fitness test for the LAMB. If you are struggling in the Whites you do NOT want to join the LAMB, but you know that. Dana, ok. We are officially looking for a LAMB support vehical, any takers out there? I will get the word out through some other channels as well. Ryan
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Tue Aug. 31, 2010 12:52 pm
I think I have a SAG driver & vehicle lined up, but am waiting on confirmation. Ryan
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Sep. 02, 2010 11:32 am
Fred Heineman has graciously excepted the task of LAMB support driver. He has room for 4 including himself in his truck. I have first dibs on one of those spots. Ryan

Posts: 50 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 08, 2010 5:24 pm
So sad I must work. I'll certainly miss the ride. Love all that climbing and Lincoln Gap the most! I'll be there in spirit. Have fun guys. H It doesn't matter where you go in life .... it's who you have beside you.
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Thu Sep. 09, 2010 2:04 pm
We will miss you as well Helen. Ryan
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Sun Sep. 12, 2010 7:23 pm
Here is an Update. Roger & Gary Macia plan to meet us in Rochester for the Ride. Mark Gurney is in and plans to drive. Let's meet at my house on Thu at 6:30 am and plan to hit Dunkin on the way out of town. I figure we should be in Rochester by 8:45am +-. Current Riders include: Ryan, Dan, Dana, Mark, Ken, Roger, Gary, and Lincoln. Please let me know if I am missing anyone. I'm trying to get a final head count here so please let me know if you are planning to go and you are not on the list. Ryan
Posts: 9 Location: New London
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 6:50 am
I am sorry but I am going to bail out. The don't believe I have the miles in the legs to tame the lamb. This seems like an epic ride and I will hopefully be in better shape next time. Have a great day tomorrow. Lincoln

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 7:33 am
But Linc half of it is down hill !!!!!!!!!
Posts: 9 Location: New London
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 7:40 am
Good point Dan - It is the other half that I am concerned about. :shock:

Posts: 940
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 8:08 am
The ride is a challenge for most. I will admit that my first time I had to walk a part of Lincoln Gap. My second year I had to stop a number of times on a couple of the climbs. I would be the first to hit the climb and almost the last to finish. I find this ride more about the challenge of the ride rather than just having a fun day out on the bike. I have yet to do this loop and feel that I have conquered it, which is why I still feel the need to do it. -- Ken "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini

Posts: 854 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 9:41 am
Linc, After riding with you, and struggling to keep up with you early this year, I would say you would be fine with this ride. Wish I could be there with you guys tomorrow. [img:7c60f52a7e][/img:7c60f52a7e]

Posts: 940
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 9:56 am
[quote:1270bbbae1="Brian"]Linc, After riding with you, and struggling to keep up with you early this year, I would say you would be fine with this ride. Wish I could be there with you guys tomorrow.[/quote:1270bbbae1] I rode with you once earlier in the year, and I agree with Brian. -- Ken "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 10:45 am
Linc, I'm with Ken on this one. I have struggled with this loop every year and have yet to feel I have conquered it. This ride is all about the journey. It tests you in ways few other things do, and at the end of the day, you know what you're made of. Don't throw in the towel before you give it a try. One of the reasons we have a Support vehicle along is so you know you have an out even if you choose not to use it. Be at my house at 6:30am tomorrow and give it a go. (20 Luxury Drive, Newport, NH). Like Warren Miller says, if you don't do it this year, you'll just be a year older when you do. Ryan
Posts: 9 Location: New London
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 11:04 am
Wow. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I would love to give it a go but the truth is, I have barely rode a lick since the white mountain ride. I just had other stuff going on. I did ride yesterday but this would be HUGE stretch in terms of distance and effort. Brian, truth be told: I was the one suffering on your wheel on those rides. Ken: with those 100 MTB races in, you've got plenty in the tank the lamb this year. Thanks Ryan but please tell Warren Miller I'll have to wait until I'm older to do this one. Have a great day! :)
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 11:35 am
Sounds like we picked up one more, Brian Highhouse (Cornish) is planning to meet us in Rochester. That brings us to eight if all expecteds show. Ryan

Posts: 1167 Location: Newport
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 12:07 pm
Rockboy, it gets easier the older you get.
Posts: 884
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 6:43 pm
ride hard boys.....really hard so I can keep up on Tuesday.

Posts: 940
Posted: Wed Sep. 15, 2010 6:47 pm
[quote:921ab15f85="Ryderjag"]ride hard boys.....really hard so I can keep up on Tuesday.[/quote:921ab15f85] I won't be there on Tuesday, but I might be able to help with this request. :) "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini

Posts: 940
Posted: Fri Sep. 17, 2010 11:42 am
Nice ride yesterday guys. Too bad the weather couldn't have held out a little longer. :) Thanks a million Fred for being our support. Always makes the rides a little less stressful. -- Ken "If you brake, you don't win." Racer Mario Cipollini
Posts: 2086 Location: Newport
Posted: Fri Sep. 17, 2010 12:58 pm
We managed to get in an 87 mile LAM ride this year. Weather was pretty good right up until the moment it started raining. Good thing I was so slow coming up Middlebury Gap otherwise we could have been down the wrong side of the mountain when it started raining. Fortunately it was a quick descent back to Rochester from there for a beer and early dinner. Time to rest for a few days, I'm spent. Apparently I was spent before the ride, a fact that became apparent as soon as I mounted the bike yesterday. Ryan