Team PinnacleNH Pass
Races - Volunteer request time Forum



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Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Tue Jun. 07, 2011 8:31 am
Edited: Tue Jun. 07, 2011 12:16 pm

Hey team,

It's that time again, our races are quickly approaching. We are looking for help on Saturday (6/18) and Sunday (6/19).

For Six in the Stix we need:
Someone(s) willing to inspect the course pre-race and play the sweeper role.
Help getting water supplies to the Pinnacle.
Kids race marshals.
Tear down.

For the Pinnacle:
Saturday evening setup.
Course inspection and arrow swaps.
A couple people to marshal in the woods.
Timing assistants
Kids race helpers
Tear down.

Please post up if you can help out.

Thanks, Brian

Posts: 567

Posted: Tue Jun. 07, 2011 12:08 pm

I'll volunteer for course inspection and sweeper role again for Six-in-the-Stix.

I'm going to race the Pinnacle, so I can help Saturday and tear down. If yo don't have enough marshalls, I can sit out and do that.


Posts: 93
Location: Grantham, NH

Posted: Tue Jun. 07, 2011 8:12 pm
I will be there to help both days and go do whatever you need throughout...Can help marshal and lug water Sat for the Stix and also help tear down and setup for Pinnacle Sat night. I alway like being a course marshal for the Pinnacle on Sunday.


Posts: 2086
Location: Newport

Posted: Wed Jun. 08, 2011 7:34 am
I would like to run the Six in the Stix but will also help with the kids race.

I will be around all day on Sunday for help. I can help with the Kids race or whatever else.

Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Fri Jun. 17, 2011 7:01 pm
Alrighty folks, time to have some fun. Weather looks like it is going to cooperate this year and pre-reg numbers are very healthy. I will be at the field on Saturday by 7:00 to get registration setup. Other than getting the finish line setup and putting up a few stakes and arrows around the field we are pretty much done and ready. Dana will be heading out on bike to pre-check the course. Feel free to join him if you would like to get a lap in. At 10:00 I would like to have someone up at Cheney guarding against traffic during the start. We could send out a couple marshals if we have extra people standing around. Then all hands on deck for the kids race. We will probably do the kids around 11:30, even if everyone has not finished yet. Most of the arrow work in the woods for Sunday will be taken care of by the sweeper. This way the course will be ready for pre-riders as soon as the runners are done. Once Stix is wrapped up we will come up with a schedule for the bike race prep.

That's all for now. Heres to a good show and furthing building on our growing reputation as a destination for trail based activities.


Posts: 237

Posted: Fri Jun. 17, 2011 7:26 pm

I can help out with both races. Just point me in whatever direction is needed. Is 8:00 an OK arrival Saturday?


Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Fri Jun. 17, 2011 7:40 pm

8:00 would be fine. There probably won't be much too do before the race starts. So if you want to get a lap in first feel free.

See you in the AM.


Posts: 884

Posted: Fri Jun. 17, 2011 7:58 pm
Sweet 7:00 AM, So I will see you around 6:15?


Posts: 884

Posted: Fri Jun. 17, 2011 7:59 pm
Save some legs Ryan, I expect a decent turn out for the kids race and probably some fast cherubs. Never mind don't save any legs, it will be fun to watch.

Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Sat Jun. 18, 2011 4:48 am
Probably closer to 6:30, learning how to relax a bit.

Posts: 854
Location: Newport

Posted: Sun Jun. 19, 2011 7:29 pm
Thanks all.

Tons of positive feedback. Could not do it without all your help.

Forum -> Races -> Volunteer request time
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